Today I booked a last minute flight to...

New Orleans!
By far one of my top places in the whole world. I just love love love it! The culture, the people, the fun- amazing! I went 2 years ago to do some post-Katrina rebuilding (and you would have thought the hurricane had happened the day before- don't even get me started), and fell in love. I have a friend teaching there who is done in the spring, so this was my last opportunity to visit her there. I can't wait! I leave Sunday and come back Tuesday. So a short trip, but totally and complete worth it :)
Today has been rather uneventful. I'm just feeling bloated and blah, and really happy to be in my sweatpants and relaxing. I had a pile of roasted vegetables for dinner (that I used to chase the Happy Hour beer I had after work), and then a bowl of cereal (I'm an addict, I know). Sometimes you just need to eat what you're craving, you know? Especially during that special, womanly time, when you've given up all sweets for Lent. D'oh.
Oh New Orleans - that'll be fun! I've never been.