Sunday, March 14, 2010

oh, Sunday.

Today was one of those days. The worst thing that can happen on a Sunday when you're on staff at a church is an email in your inbox saying "Pastor out sick- instructions". Yikes! Our Pastor's family has a horrific bout of stomach flu. It started early Wednesday morning (after I babysat for them Tuesday night- doubles yikes) with their youngest, who's two. Then mom got it, then in the middle of the night last night, dad. Ack! I ran out the door as soon as I got that email (I think it was 7? With daylight savings, I can't even think about that!) and sprang into action. Luckily everything went smoothly, but you know how when days start out crazily they just never seem to go right? Yeah.

I went out for a friend for a beer and lunch afterwards, and it hit. the. spot. I always forget I'll want a glass of wine or a beer on a Sunday (because I'm classy like that) until it's too late, and I'm not in the mood to drive to Wisconsin ;) I had a veggie burger (delicious!) and a side salad instead of fries (mediocre).

I came home and CRASHED. Hard. Normally I don't nap on Sundays because I have to get up early, but the kids I take to school are on SPRING BREAK next week, which means I GET TO SLEEP IN! Excuse the excessive caps use, but this is warranted. I love me some sleep.

And I proceeded to eat. I inhaled two bowls of cereal (air puffed corn and rice, which is basically nothing, but it solves my desire for cereal) because I can never ever stop at one, and passed out. When I woke up, I hung around for awhile and by 7:30 felt like I should eat dinner. I wasn't starving, but I also didn't want to eat at 9. I made the best sandwich I had in long long time. Sandwich thin with artichokes and pepperjack in the broiler, topped with tabbouli and hummus. SO GOOD! I had a few apple slices on the side, and then proceeded to eat about two servings of tortilla chips. I'm an addict! I finally made myself eat a grapefruit in the hopes that the sour taste would change my taste buds (I have no idea if that's scientific, but it worked!) and now I'm perfectly content.

I try and avoid emotions with food, but today, that's exactly what it was. I was exhausted, stressed, and just wanted to eat. Not good. But some days, it happens. Tomorrow will be better.

And now I'm out of words. So here are a few pictures from the lovely "vacations" I had the past few weekends- lovely!

Gooseberry Falls, so pretty. I LOVE hiking in the winter, it's decided. It's amazing how much everything changes for winter, but it's so pretty!
This was my favorite. So I was really interested in all the animal tracks we kept seeing, and I could not figure out what this one was. Until my husband said, "Um, it's your shoe. From the way in."

Here I am, waving hello! At this point I started quoting the movie Elf, like the part when he broke off on the ice and the Norwahl came up and said "Bye Buddy, hope you find your dad!" and I laughed very hard. At myself. Per usual.


This was my favorite. So I was really interested in all the animal tracks we kept seeing, and I could not figure out what this one was. Until my husband said, "Um, it's your shoe. From the way in."

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